Paintings | Donald D. Krause Fine Art

Imagine that you’re in a museum. Each gallery represents a different visual experience and a different facet of my work – from faith-oriented to highly secular. What unites them is a style, a sensibility and a passion for perfection.

Here you will find commissioned work, large format paintings available for purchase, archival-quality limited print editions, modestly priced painting daily work along with an invitation to have the Artist create an original painting just for you.

Woman Caught in the Act of Adultery

Maybe some of us have made some mistakes in our lives that we regret. There are times; I know I wish I would have done things differently. The woman caught in the act of adultery is so busted, dragged out and judged to be put to death. There seems to be no way out of this disaster. When I read this story, my heart rate picked up and I felt the weight of this situation. When I’m caught in sin, the last thing I want is to be dragged in front of a Holy Man who is without sin. Guilt is always so overwhelming. Jesus, in a moment’s time, turns this horrific mess into the greatest moment of her life. Jesus said, “If any of you are without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” We see the trouble of her bad choice is dissolved away. She felt great relief and so grateful to Jesus, she wondered what can I do now? Jesus told her, “Go now and leave your life of sin”.

Woman at the Well

Before I was a Christian, many people were praying for me. My mother sent me a New Testament called, Good News for Modern Man. My brother sent me a Living Bible. God was on my case. I had many unexpected encounters with Christians whom crossed my path and shared the Gospel with me. This seemed to happen quite frequently. Jesus met the woman at the well. It’s unexpected and He exposes some of her murky past and in that moment of conviction, she’s a bit thrown off guard. Jesus reveals Himself to her, the Christ, the Messiah, and offers her Living water. That awkward, uncomfortable moment turned into the greatest day of her life!

Fresh Peach 2

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Huge Peach. Acrylic on gessoed Massonite Panel 6″x6″

Pear Found in the Woods

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I was walking in the woods and found this wild pear with all it’s flaws and beauty. 5″x7″ acrylic on gessoed masonite panel.

Jesus calling out to Mary 1

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Mary goes to the tomb to dress the body of Jesus in spices only to find Him not there. Upon leaving Jesus appears and calls her name, ‘Mary’, and everything changes for her into glorious bliss.

Pear Sizzle

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Exploring new brush work and pallet. 8″x10″ acrylic on Gessoed Masonite Panel.

Jesus calls out Mary’s Name

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When Mary went to Jesus’s tomb she found it empty and was devastated. However Jesus appeared and called her name, ‘Mary’ and everything went from disaster to euphoria. I love this moment.

Apple Sizzle

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New sizzling brush work. 8×10 acrylic on gessoed masonite board.

Regular Jesus

I ran across this verse, Isaiah 53:2 He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. So I painted this regular Jesus out of my mind’s eye. Call for price 847-899-1715


John 15:1-2
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.”
I was privileged to hear Nancy Grisham, PhD. teach on this passage. Her sweet spirit and love for Jesus is evident in her relationship with Him. As she unpacked this richly loaded chapter I started to be less defensive about this idea of being pruned and looked forward to abiding in Christ. I’m praying for some good changes in myself. Call 847-899-1715 for price.

Expressive Painting 2

8″x10″ acrylic on gessoed masonite.

Expressive painting is a way for me to explore, lossen up and enjoy the fun of painting. Call 847-899-1715 for a price.

Expressive painting 1

8″x10″ acrylic on bright white mounted on masonite.

Expressive painting is a joy filled event that frees my soul. Call for price 847-899-1715.

Two Brussel Sprouts Passing in the Night

5″x7″ acrylic on gessoed masonite, in Old Masters technique tinting and glazing.


8″x10″ acrylic on gessoed masonite, in Old Master’s techinque glazing and tinting. Call for a price 847-899-1715

“Mary ” 3

8”x10” acrylic on gessoed Masonite, painted in the Old Master’s technique of glazing and tinting.

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

John 20:10-18 Everything was lost Jesus was dead and now missing from the tomb, disparate and in a state of despair Jesus calls out ,”Mary” and her whole world changed. Her body twisting almost in two to see Him! That’s the moment it all changed. Call for a price 847-899-1715

Lazarus come out

Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead

John 11:38-43

‘Was Lazarus dead?’ Ask Sam Jindoyan my bible study leader.  Can Jesus make the dead people hear Him and do things? Yes! And Lazarus had this incredible awaking. That’s the moment when everything changes. Jesus is the one who can make everything change.

8″x10″ acylic on gessoed masonite


Danube Pear

16x”20″ Acrylic on canvas, rendered in Old Masters Technique.  Contact Donald D. Krause for purchase.

Bosch Pear on Tablecloth

16x”20″ Acrylic on canvas, rendered in Old Masters Technique. Contact Donald D. Krause for purchase.

Apple and Orange on Tablecloth

16x”20″ Acrylic on canvas, rendered in Old Masters Technique.  Contact Donald D. Krause for purchase.


16x”20″ Acrylic on canvas, rendered in Old Masters Technique. Contact Donald D. Krause for purchase.

Pear on cascading tablecloth

16x”20″ Acrylic on canvas, rendered in Old Masters Technique.   Contact Donald D. Krause for purchase.

Jesus anointed at Bethany by a woman

When I first became a Christian I related to this story so much. This woman loved Jesus and was grateful, not caring what people thought.  She poured expensive perfume on His head, completely uninhibited – because all she cared about was saying ‘thank you’. She loved so much, what will you do?

Joseph of Arimathea taking Jesus off the cross

What do you do after this horrific thing has happened? I observed my brother who is a funeral director swing into action to help me with my wife’s funeral. He is a tremendously comforting and professional man. We have to do the things that are necessary in times of great trouble. I read this brief passage in Luke 23: 50-54, thinking about my brother and Joseph. Somebody had to do this unpleasant step. Here was the hope of the world, dead. I thought -‘What if my son was Jesus? How sad I would be.’ Even so, my other sons and I would have to take this next step, however small but important it might be. Who was going to take Jesus off the cross if not those who loved him?

Luke 23: 50-54

Fear Not

When Mary was first approached by the angel Gabriel he said, “Greetings, you are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” I doubt that her first thoughts were “This is really great. I feel so special.” I think at first she was terrified, which is why Gabriel said, “Do not be afraid.” In that moment, she had the choice of running out of there, resisting anything this creature was saying or listening cautiously. She chose to be incredibly brave. She stood her ground to hear what Gabriel was saying. When he had finished laying out the plan, she said, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said”. What strength and guts she had!

Luke 1:26-38

“Mary” Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

When Mary Magdalene went to Jesus’ tomb and found it empty, it was too much for her to bear. I’m sure after seeing him crucified and now his body gone, she was overwhelmed with grief. Even when she saw Jesus standing there and He asked her, “Why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” she did not recognize him. It was only at that moment, when He said, “Mary” that everything magnificently changed. It went from the lowest of pits to the highest joy imaginable. So it is with us. When we finally recognize Jesus, our entire life changes.

John 20:10-18

Austin 36×48

Austin is an all-around athlete. Although extreme sports are his favorite pastime, what really comes through is his desire to be the best at whatever he puts his mind to. Notice that fearless, heroic stance.

Here is a series that makes me proud as a painter and a parent. Paintings like this one celebrate the qualities, abilities and spirit that make our children the unique and special creatures they are.

I chose to capture what I feel is the essence of my son Austin, doing what he loves to do most. I wanted it to remind us of his talent and determination. And I wanted to hang it proudly in our home where he will always know how much we treasure him.

Ashley 36×48

Ashley is a gifted student who attends a school that accommodates her above-average abilities. As she studies at the kitchen table, it is evident that her intelligence and concentration is going to serve her well in the years to come.

Lenny & Bucky 40×32

I’ve gotten to know this couple through a neighborhood table group. They approached me to do their portrait together. Seeing their mutual respect, care and the way they honor each other up close, it was easy to do a portrait showing they’re deep abiding love, wrapped up in each other’s arms.


Eric is a very proud to be a Boy Scout. You can see in his face that his standards are high. He comes with unshakeable values and stands comfortably in his favorite surroundings of nature.


Ava, who is only eleven, displays the confident posture and elegance of a soon-to-be fine young lady. She charms you with her soft smile while the strength and grace of her quarter horse flows deeply through both of them.

Peach on Tablecloth

16x”20″ Acrylic on canvas, rendered in Old Masters Technique. Contact Donald D. Krause for purchase.

Danuabe pear

16x”20″ Acrylic on canvas, rendered in Old Masters Technique.  Contact Donald D. Krause for purchase.

Apple on Tablecloth

16x”20″ Acrylic on canvas, rendered in Old Masters Technique. Contact Donald D. Krause for purchase.

Acron Squash on Tablecloth

16x”20″ Acrylic on canvas, rendered in Old Masters Technique. Contact Donald D. Krause for purchase.

Two Pears on Tablecloth

16x”20″ Acrylic on canvas, rendered in Old Masters Technique. Contact Donald D. Krause for purchase.